You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.2. Setting up and Configuring MJC > 5.2.1. Setup and Configuration Procedure

Setting up and Configuring MJC

Before MJC can be used, you need to run the setup programs so that MJC operates in the correct manner for each user. This involves setting the general system configuration, setting up the job status table and hourly rate names, and setting up unit recognition for products where calculations apply, e.g. timber stick sales, calculating square metres for glass sales, calculating whole boxes of tiles so that boxes are never split, etc.


Setup and Configuration Procedure

This topic offers step-by-step instructions for setting up your Micronet Job Costing system.

  1. Setup your general configuration.

You need to configure the general options you want to run in MJC, such as default invoicing options and job duration.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - General".

  1. Setup any user defined questions (UDQs) you want.

MJC can ask up to 20 special (or extra) questions that are important for your business during the creation or processing of jobs. These may relate to your job header (such as model number, quoted value, quoted by, make, serial number, etc.) or the job transaction line.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - User Defined Fields".

  1. Enter the hourly labour rate names.

The rate names are the identification names that you want to use when posting labour to jobs. These are normally set to Normal, Time and a Half, Double, etc.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Rate Names".

  1. Setup the job status table.

The job status table contains the statuses that can apply to MJC jobs to track their progress. Statuses normally relate to phases such as A=Active, C=Complete, I=Inactive, H=On Hold, Q=Quote waiting for approval to proceed, etc.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Job Status Table".

  1. Setup your cost centres.

Cost centres relate to types of resources or costs that can be posted to a job. The normal minimum default cost centres are Materials and Labour. Additional cost centres can be established if you require them for sub-contractors, site costs, supervision, etc.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Cost Centres".

  1. Enter markups for materials and labour.

You can set markups for materials and labour in MJC that work independently of other default pricing in Micronet. If markups are set for materials, MJC ignores the default customer pricing structure in MDS and uses the markup table. If markups are set for labour, MJC changes the default charge-out rate according to the value of the labour being posted.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Markups".

  1. Enter any text you want printed on the header or footer of job invoices.

You can add up to five extra lines of free form job invoice text. This text needs to be enabled on your standard dockets from within the Micronet Report Generator.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Company Text".

  1. Configure each user, their access and privileges.

You need to set the appropriate settings on the User File Update screen - Main tab, User Access tab, MDS Security tab, and MJC Security tab.

Refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 3. Mail Setup".

  1. If you are going to integrate MJC with the Micronet General Ledger (MGL), setup your GL Interface master file.

The individual records in the GL Interface master file are known as GL interfaces or "integration tables". An integration table contains a series of GL account numbers for each procedure conducted in MJC. They are used by Micronet to automatically transfer creditor/supplier information to MGL.

Refer to "File - GL Interface".

  1. Setup your Departments master file.

If you are integrating with MGL, for each department setup in the Department master file, enter the name of the appropriate GL interface record in the General Ledger field.

Refer to "File - Department".

  1. Setup your Operations master file.

Operations (or tasks) are the types of work your employees can perform. Operations can be chargeable or non-chargeable, customer-specific, and can have built-in overheads and hourly charges.

Refer to "File - Operation".

  1. Setup your Employee master file.

The Employee master file contains all the details and hourly rates for each of your employees.

Refer to "File - Employee".

  1. Setup your Area master file.

The Area master file is used to identify the physical area that a job has been allocated to, e.g. Van1, Workshop, Sydney, etc.

Refer to "File - Area".